Providing accurate and independent information, plus subsidies for home decarbonisation essentials (such as replacing gas with induction cooking & heat pumps, onsite solar & batteries, EV charging) has the potential to scale quickly in terms of impact and provide people with a lived experience of living renewably. Purchasing these items yourself is very difficult, it is hard to know which information to trust and for many the investment is prohibitive. We need to reduce these barriers.
Independent nformation is critical. Installing solar and battery is very complex and it is hard to work out the best solution and the best provider. There is also very little independent information about heat pumps. There are also new initiatives where energy providers want to take control of your system to manage grid flow and it is hard to evaluate whether is going to work for you or just a a useful thing for the provider.
I think subsidies for rooftop solar, batteries and home electrification are essential to rapidly increase uptake and reduce energy bills for all. There are various subsidies in place already, but they can be confusing as they are provided by so many different sources and it can be hard to find the right information. There needs to be simpler, more centralised systems that are well promoted.
Does decarbonise your home include localised offsets? Like % of tree cover requirements for individual plots of land?
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation